Have a question? 

               Let's connect!

I'm truly humbled that you entrust me with helping you and your patients.

As a practicing Medical SLP, I understand the importance of mentorship, lifelong learning, and asking questions. I deeply value all of those SLPs and medical colleagues who have answered my questions throughout my career; if not for these expert mentors answering my questions, I certainly would not be as strong of a clinician as I am today. And I certainly wouldn't be able continue to learn and grow as my career continues.

As time has gone on, it has become clear that my purpose as a Medical SLP is to help other Medical SLPs be the therapists that they aspire to be, in addition to continuing to provide patient care. I am continually humbled by how many questions I get from clinicians around the world who value my expertise and want my help with a patient, respiratory muscle training, and more. I am deeply, deeply humbled.

Because of this and my passion for teaching and connecting with other medical SLPs, I want to help you and answer your questions the same way that others have done for me throughout my career. Since no two clinicians need the exact same kind of service or expert guidance, I offer a variety of consulting and education services to meet your individual needs.

As a fellow MedSLP, I want you to choose the mentoring resource(s) that you need most! I've got lots for you to choose from; you're welcome to participate in any or all of these learning opportunities!

Connect with me today!