RMT Resources for SLPs

Some of my favorite resources pertaining to Respiratory Muscle Strength Training:      

  • Transform your practice with my RMT courses -- now at BREATHEHAB
  • COVID-19 related guidance on PFTs (Pulmonary Function Tests) from the American Thoracic Society (ATS) (Article)
  • Strength-training exercise in dysphagia rehabilitation: principles, procedures, and directions for future research (Article)
  • Respiratory strength training: concept and intervention outcomes (Article)
  • A framework for understanding shared substrates of airway protection (Article)
  • Submental sEMG and hyoid movement during Mendelsohn maneuver, effortful swallow, and expiratory muscle strength training (Article)
  • Expiratory muscle strength training evaluated with simultaneous high-resolution manometry and electromyography (Article)
  • Impact of Expiratory Strength Training in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Article)
  • Impact of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Voluntary Cough and Swallow Function in Parkinson Disease (Article)
  • Purchase the MicroRPM Respiratory Pressure Meter (MDSpiro site)

RMT courses
now offered through my RMT platform, BREATHEHAB