"Best way to get an overview of respiratory considerations when working with swallowing"
"This course is a wonderful review of the respiratory system with excellent practical applications to practicing in acute care"
$89 USD
$89 USD
This course does not include a Facebook group, email follow-up questions, or any 1:1 access to the instructor. Because of this, the course is priced accordingly and contains comprehensive information and resources.
You are invited to get further guidance for your questions using the following options:
If you have a disability and may need accommodations, please email hello@themodernmedslp.com before registering for the course. If reasonable accommodations will allow you to complete the course, we will make them.
No refunds for webinars. No refunds for participants who enroll without agreeing to terms of use. You must complete the course within the time frame indicated at enrollment; course access will automatically expire after that time.
If a participant is unable to complete a course, no refunds are offered. If the Instructor and/or MedSLP Consultants must cease offering the course at any time, enrolled participants will be given 30-days notice to complete the course prior to termination of access.
We pride ourselves on providing exceptional-quality products and courses, and we welcome any opportunity to improve our website and service. If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about our CE courses or the website in general, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Send general website issues, and any course questions or concerns to hello@themodernmedslp.com.