Join us for this 
special LIVE webinar!

Jun 15, 2022  |  2:00 - 3:00 PM EDT

Early bird pricing ends 2 weeks before webinar

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Register for the on-demand course instead.

Click HERE to be notified when the recorded course is available for registration

Course Summary

Do you wish you felt more confident understanding the differences between upper and lower motor neurons (UMN / LMN)?

Do you fantasize about finally nailing that cranial nerve exam?

Well, fellow SLP, this course is for you! And, psssst, it's taught by a neurologist​! πŸ€―πŸ§ β€‹β€‹β€‹

Understanding neuroanatomy and the cranial nerves is essential for the Medical SLP. In this course, a neurologist differentiates upper motor neurons vs. lower motor neurons (UMN vs LMN), explains the functions of the cranial nerves, and instructs the learner how to perform a thorough cranial nerve examination.

After this course, you'll be able to:


  • 10 min: Intro; Clinical importance of understanding neuroanatomy 
  • 20 min: Neuroanatomy; Upper vs Lower Motor Neurons (UMN vs LMN) 
  • 15 min: Cranial nerve exam 
  • 15 min: Q&A; Learning assessment; Conclude

Course is 1 hour (CMH/PDH) and is registered for 0.1 ASHA CEUs.  Partial credit is not offered.
In order to receive a certificate of completion, learners must:

  • Read & agree to our  terms of use & policies prior to registering for any course.
  • Watch 100% of video lesson(s) on the course date.  Then, within one week of the course date:
  • Score at least 80% correct on the multiple-choice learning assessment 
  • Complete and submit the course feedback survey 
  • Submit the Reporting Information form and indicate whether you would like your participation reported to ASHA. Note: if you tell us you don’t want ASHA CE reporting and later change your mind, we can't retroactively apply it.


Dr. Charles Lavigne, MD

Charles Lavigne, MD currently practices as a Neurohospitalist at UNC Rex Hospital. Dr. Lavigne completed his training in neurology at Harvard at the Mass General and Brigham program. He completed a fellowship in headache medicine.

Instructor disclosures

Financial: Receives an honorarium for this course. Salaried employee of UNC Rex Hospital.
Non-Financial: None 

Can't register for the live course?
No problem! You can register for the on-demand course instead.
Click the button below to hear when the on-demand course is available for registration.